
4.Top 30,完整收錄
作者特地依其國外生活多年及豐富的教學經驗,特地為每個單元精選出老外最常說的TOP 30句英文會話,並隨機補充單字和片語用法,隨時隨地累積單字庫,英文一不小心就變好!
補教界權威兼暢銷書作者/Charles Yang
美籍英文老師/Chris Fluellen
美商企業老闆兼語言書作者/Tom Harris
開心 Happy
生氣 Angry
傷心 Sad
擔心 Worried
抱怨 Complaining
驚訝 Surprised
討厭 Hatred
同情 Sympathizing
尷尬 Embarrassed
警告 Warning
後悔 Regret
絕望 Hopeless
煩惱 Concerned
安慰 Comforting
誤會 Misunderstanding
感謝 Appreciating
讚美 Praising
道歉 Apologizing
鼓勵 Encouraging
祝福 Blessing
清晨起床 Waking up
梳妝打扮 Dressing and Putting Makeup on
出門檢查 Checking and Going Out
問候 Greetings
自我介紹 Self-Introductions
介紹他人 Introductions
借還物品 Borrowing and Lending
鄰居 Neighbors
拜訪友人 Visiting Friends
巧遇 A Coincidence
天氣 The House
家事 Housework
網路 The Internet
電視 Television
垃圾分類 Recycling
節日 Festivals And Holidays
邀請 Invitations
主動攀談 Striking Up A Conversation
道別 Saying Goodbye
應徵工作 Applying for Jobs
面試 Interviews
錄取 Hiring
同事 Colleagues
公司福利 Welfare
公司訓練 Training
接聽電話 Answering Phones
辦公事務 Work
詢價與報價 Inquiries and Quotes
協商 Negotiating
訂單確認 Confirming Orders
合約 Contracts
付款與索賠 Payment and Refunds
行銷廣告 Marketing
信件往來 Asking and Replying
會議 Meetings
接待客戶 Treating Clients
加班與壓力 Working Overtime and Pressure
出差 On Business
離職 Resigning
申請入學 Applying to Schools
選擇科系 Selecting A Major
新生報到 Registering
加退選課 Adding Or Dropping a Class
課堂上 In Class
期中期末考試 Midterms and Finals
證照與檢定 Certifying and Verifying
論文 Essays
演講 Speeches
保健中心 Health Centers
比賽 Competitions
遲到早退 Being Early and Late for School
實驗室 In the Laboratory
圖書館 In the Library
社團活動 Club Activities
租屋 The Rent
交換學生 Exchange Students
申請留學 Applying for Further Study
打工 Part-Time Jobs
畢業典禮 The Graduation Ceremony
中西式早餐 Chinese And Western Breakfast
西式料理 Western Cuisine
中式料理 Chinese Cuisine
日式料理 Japanese Cuisine
其他料理 Other Cuisine
速食 Fast Food
咖啡廳 The Coffee Shop
餐廳訂位 Making a Reservation
候位 Waiting for a Seat
點餐 Taking an Order
前菜 Starters
開胃菜 Appetizers
湯品 Soup
主餐 Main Dishes
甜點 Desserts
飲料 Drinks
餐具 Tableware
結帳 Checking the Bill
意見 Opinions
客服 Customer Services
電影 Going to Movies
購物 Going Shopping
演唱會 Going to Concerts
博物館 In the Museum
露營 Going Camping
海灘 Going to the Beach
遊樂園 At the Amusement Park
聚會 Gatherings
夜生活 Night Life
迷路 Being Lost
公車 On the Bus
計程車 In the Taxi
地鐵 On the Subway
搭船 On the Boat
火車 On the Train
飛機 On the Airplane
汽車 In the Car
租車 Renting a Car
加油 Filling Up
交通事故 A Car Accident
健康檢查 Health Examinations
身體不適 Feeling Uncomfortable
預約看診 Making an Appointment
看診 At the Clinic
病症 Symptoms
常見檢驗 Basic Health Examinations
診斷開藥 Getting a Prescription
領藥 Getting Medicine
中醫 Chinese Medicine
意外急診 Emergencies
住院 Hospitalization
捐血 Donating Blood
醫療保險 Medical Insurance
申請理賠 Applying for Compensation
保健食品 Health Food
健身房 In the Fitness Center
運動 Exercise
健行 Going Hiking
減肥 Being on a Diet
體育比賽 Physical Competitions
家庭成員 Family Members
代溝問題 Generation Gap Problems
家事雜務 Doing the Chores
分擔家計 Sharing Living expenses
家庭聚會 Family Gatherings
提出交往 Asking Someone to be Your Boyfriend or Girlfriend
單戀 A One-Sided Love
熱戀 Infatuation
約會 Dates
熱線Talking Hours on End
第三者 A Third Party
爭吵 Arguments
冷戰 Getting the Cold Shoulder
原諒 Forgiveness
分手 Breaking Up
求婚 Proposing
婚禮 Marriage
蜜月 The Honeymoon
懷孕 Pregnancy
離婚 Divorce
1. can’t stop + V-ing... 禁不住~/忍不住~
2. run out of... 用完~/耗盡~
3. be filled with... 充滿~
4. be afraid of... 對~感到擔心
5. make a complaint about... 對~提出抱怨
6. be floored by / that... 因~而震驚不已
7. take an aversion to V-ing 討厭做~
8. what a pity 真遺憾/真可惜
9. be too embarrassed to + V... 太尷尬以致於無法~
10. On second thought, ... 重新考慮之後,~
11. S will be sorry if S... 如果某人~,某人一定會後悔
12. stand a chance of + V-ing 有可能~/有希望~
13. My mother spared herself... 我媽媽很憂慮~
14. it happens... ~常有的事
15. Don’t get sb. wrong. 不要誤會某人。
16. Let’s be thankful for...! 讓我們感謝~!
17. ...look sharp ~看起來有精神/~看起來真漂亮
18. feel so sorry for... 對~感到抱歉
19. Take a chance. 碰碰運氣。
20. Congratulations on... 恭喜~
21. get out of bed 起床
22. keep sth. in place 把~固定
23. see to it... 記得要~
24. have a great time + V-ing 很開心做~
25. I’m very easygoing... 我很隨和~
26. I’ve heard a lot about... 久仰~大名。
27. May I use your...? 我可以用你的~嗎?
28. Have you ever visited...? 你曾經拜訪(參觀)過~嗎?
29. Is it convenient to + V... 做~方便嗎?
30. I hardly... 我幾乎不能~
31. Are you tired of...? 你受夠了~嗎?
32. Can I take a look at...? 我可以看一看~嗎?
33. Wash off sth. 洗掉某物
34. He is hooked on... 他沉迷於~
35. You are really a... junkie 你真的看~太入迷了
36. Avoid + V-ing... 避免~
37. …is coming up, isn’t it? ~就要來臨了,不是嗎?
38. Come to visit me... ~來我家作客。
39. I haven’t spoken to... 我沒有和~談話
40. It’s nice of you to + V... 你人真好~
41. I’d like to apply for... 我想要應徵~
42. Is there any chance for sb. to V... ~有~的機會嗎
43. nothing at all from... 沒有~的消息
44. devote to 致力於~/專注於~
45. I’d like to file a request... 我想提出一個請求~
46. Be punctual, ... 準時~
47. Can you put me through to...? 您可以幫我轉接到~嗎?
48. sb. can put it off 某人可以達到目標/成功
49. Could you reconsider...? 你可以重新考慮~嗎?
50. Only when... 只有在~情況下
51. In general, ... 大致上~
52. I can’t stress enough that... 我不得不強調~
53. I am wondering... 我想知道~
54. We can’t miss... 我們不可以錯過~
55. Because of the large volume of... 因為大量的~
56. Please hand out... 請分發~
57. Please give my best regards to... 請代我向~問好。
58. How come...? 為什麼~?
59. I will fly to... 我要飛到~
60. ...on the same wavelength ~意見一致/~志趣相投
61. apply to... 向~申請
62. major in... 主修~
63. be / get accustomed to... 習慣於~
64. be all Greek to... 對~而言一竅不通
65. have a look at... 瞧一瞧~/看一看~
66. do well on... ~表現良好/做得好
67. Except for... 除了~之外/要不是由於~
68. that is to say... 也就是說~
69. be in vogue 大受歡迎
70. What’s the matter with...? ~怎麼了呢?
71. As he got ready to + V... 當他準備好要做~
72. Please excuse sb. from... 請免除~/請准許~不用~
73. With a great base, … 有良好的基礎,~
74. Basically, ... 基本上,~
75. Do you fall for...? 你喜歡~嗎?
76. Is it possible to V...? ~有可能嗎?
77. Are you responsible for...? 你負責~嗎?
78. In the meantime, … 同時間,~
79. Refuse to... 拒絕~
80. take a (some) picture of... 幫~照相
81. Would you like to...? 你想要~嗎?
82. Besides... 除了~
83. be going to... 將要~
84. Is this / that...? 這∕那是~嗎?
85. How far is / are... from...? ~到~距離多遠?
86. You had better not... 你(們)最好不要~
87. shop till sb.’s drop瘋狂採購
88. I don’t have enough time to... 我沒有足夠的時間~
89. be late for... ~遲到
90. You don’t have to... 你(們)不必~
91. feel like + Ving... 想做~
92. be not allowed to... 不可以~
93. As far as I know... 據我所知~
94. turn out... 結果成為~/結果是~
95. I can / could hardly... 我無法∕幾乎不能~
96. May I...? 我可以做~嗎?
97. You don’t need to... 你沒有必要~
98. Will you please...? 可以請你~嗎?
99. (It) has been... since... 自從~已經~
100. make... clear... 說明白~/清楚瞭解~
101. be known for... 以~為名
102. either... or... 不是~就是~
103. dress up 裝扮
104. Do I have to...? 我要~嗎?
105. look forward to + N / Ving 期待
106. be full of... 充滿~
107. can’t wait to... 等不及要~
108. in time 即時
109. some..., some, ..., and others... 有些~,有些~,有些則~
110. not necessarily... 未必是~
111. Is / Are there...? 那裡有~?
112. be based on... 基於~/根據~
113. I never fail to... 我一定會~/我絕不會不~
114. and... no exception... ~也不例外
115. I can’t bear... 我不能忍受~
116. as soon as... 一~就~
117. cannot too... 再~也不為過/愈~愈好
118. as long as... 只要~
119. not far from... 離~不遠處
120. at all costs 無論如何/不計一切代價
121. I wonder if you... 我想知道你~
122. be likely to / that... 有可能~
123. How much...? 多少~?
124. There is no choice but to... 別無他法,只能~
125. have / has a great deal to do with... 與~有很大的關係
126. have / has been thinking about... 一直在思考~
127. I have never heard of... 我從來沒有聽說過~
128. There used to be... 曾經有~
129. A be much (more)... than B A比B還要更~
130. on the way to... 在~途中
131. in spite of + N / Ving 儘管~/不管~
132. mistake... for 把~誤以為
133. Please feel free to... 請隨時~
134. It’s a pity... 真遺憾~/很可惜~
135. in other words 換言之
136. I am greatly convinced (that)... 我深信~
137. prevent from... 防止~/避免~
138. rely on 仰賴/依靠
139. for the sake of... 因為~的關係/因為~的緣故
140. It can be easily proven that... 很容易證明~
141. be all for... 都贊成~∕支持~
142. communicate with sb. 與某人溝通
143. be busy + Ving 忙於~
144. be in charge of... 掌管~/負責~
145. take part in... 參加~/加入~
146. The truth of the matter is that... 事實就是~
147. face the facts that... 面對現實~
148. It goes without saying that... 不用說~
149. remind sb. of sth. 提醒某人某事
150. barge in on... 闖入~/打斷~
151. be involved with... 與~有關係緊密/交往
152. How dare sb. + V... 怎麼敢做~/竟敢做~
153. What’s more, ... 更重要的是,~
154. Sorry for + Ving / N 抱歉~
155. make one’s mind to V... 下定決心~
156. be supposed to... 應該~
157. make it for / to... 趕得及~
158. Given time, ... 有時間的話,~
159. suffer from... 遭受~之苦
160. found sb. + adj… 發現某人~